Upcoming Events & Sales

Burr Oak Woods NatureScaping and Native Plant sale
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Burr Oak Woods sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, March 27th

Kansas Healthy Yards Expo
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Kansas Heathy Yards Expo sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, March 27th

Deep Roots Native Plant Sale
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Deep Roots April Native Plant Sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, April 10th

Grow Native Plant Sale
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Grow Native April Native Plant Sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, April 17th

Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, April 24th

Deep Roots Native Plant Sale
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Deep Roots April Native Plant Sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, May 8th

Grow Native Plant Sale
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Grow Native April Native Plant Sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, May 15th

Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale as the pick up location at check-out. We will accept preorders until Thursday, May 22nd

Missouri Master Gardeners Conference
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Missouri Master Gardeners fall sale as the pick up location at check-out. Sales space will be open to the public from 1pm-5pm on Saturday and 8am-1pm on Sunday

Grow Native Fall plant sale
We will bring a large variety of plants to this sale. If you would like to pre-order, visit our online shop.

Go Green Environmental Fair
We will have a large variety of plants for sale at this event. If you would like to pre-order, please visit our online shop and choose the Go Green Environmental Fair as the pick up location at check-out.

Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale
City Roots will have a booth at the Lenexa Farmers Market native plant sale. We will have lots of interesting Native Plant options for sale. If you would like to preorder, please visit our online store.

Mission Farmers Market
Please preorder from our shop before Wednesday, June 5th for this event.

Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale
Please preorder from our shop before Friday, May 17th for this event.

Grow Native! plant sale
Please place preorders from our online shop for this event before Friday, May 10th.

Rotary Youth Camp Native Plant Sale
Please preorder from our shop before Thursday, May 9th for this event.

Brookside Farmers Market
Please preorder from our shop before Friday May 3rd for this event.
Deep Roots Native Plant Sale
If you would like to place a preorder for pick up at the Deep Roots Native Plant Sale, please visit our shop and order before Friday, April 26th.

Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale
City roots will be attending the Lenexa Farmers market native plant sale along side other native plant vendors. Please preorder from our shop before April 26th for this event.

Grow Native! plant sale
Preorder until Friday, April 19th from our online shop for this event.

Kansas Healthy Yards Expo
City Roots will have plants available for sale at the Healthy Yards Expo. If you would like to preorder, please order through our shop before Friday, April 12th and choose the Healthy Yards Expo as your pick-up location upon checkout.

Burr oak woods NatureScaping workshop and plant sale
City Roots will be selling native plants along with other vendors at the NatureScaping workshop hosted by Burr Oak Woods Conservation Area. Click here to reserve tickets to the Nature Scaping workshop. No tickets necessary for the plant sale. If you would like to preorder plants, please order from our online shop before Friday, March 29th.

DIY Native Landscape Design
Learn various stages of native landscape design including where to draw inspiration from, how to select the right plants for your space and design with intent. Enjoy an in-dept presentation from native plant experts and bring your gardening ideas to life during our in-person program. After the presntations chat with local native plant experts from City Roots, GardenNerd Consultation, Oak and iO, Sow Wild and more about your native garden goals! Learn more here.

Ivanhoe neighborhood seed swap and garden resource fair
Give, Trade take what seeds you need. City roots will be sharing seeds and selling native plants at this event.

Go Green! 2023
Go Green 2023 will be held at the Powell Center in Mission KS. Preorders will be accepted until noon on Sept 22nd. Please pre order from our website.

Grow Native Plant Sale
Visit City Roots at the Grow Native plant sale. Preorder here until noon on Sept 15th

Deep Roots Native Plant Sale
Visit City Roots at the Deep Roots Native Plant Sale. Preorder here until Sept 8th at noon.
Lenexa Native Plant Sale
Visit City Roots at the Lenexa Farmer’s Market native plant sale. Preorder here until Friday, August 25th at noon
Lenexa Farmers Market Native Plant Sale
City Roots will be a vendor at the Lenexa Farmers market Native plant sale. Preorder through our website or stop by and shop at the sale.

Grow Native plant sale
Join us for this Grow Native spring native plant sale. Preorders can be placed online are available for pick up from the City Roots tent.

Get Outdoors 2023
Visit City Roots at the 3rd annual Get Outdoors event hosted by the Missouri Department of Conservation and Jackson County parks and rec. There will be Kayaking, fishing, archery, birding, outdoor yoga, hiking and more.

Grow Native plant sale
Join us for this Grow Native spring native plant sale. Preorders can be placed online are available for pick up from the City Roots tent.

Eat Local and Organic Expo
Join City roots at the Eat Local and Organic Expo hosted by KC Healthy Kids. Event will be held in the gym at Johnson County Community college. Preorders from our online shop for the event will be accepted until noon on Friday, March 31st.

Fox and Pearl Spring Equinox Market
Come visit City Roots along with some other awesome vendors at the Fox and Pearl Spring Equinox Market
Opening Day 2023
Join us at our retail location at 3037 Woodland Ave for opening day 2023
Kansas Healthy Yards Expo
City Root Nursery will be participating in the Kansas Healthy Yards Expo. Please visit our online shop to preorder plants. Preorders accepted until Friday, March 10th at noon.

Burr Oak Woods Native Plant Sale
Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center is hosting a naturscaping workshop and Native Plant sale on March 11th. Click here to be directed to the MDC Events page to register for the naturescaping workshop. No need to register for the plant sale. The naturescaping workshop will be from 8:30am -1pm and the plant sale will be from 1pm - 4pm.
Please visit our online shop to preorder for this event. Preorders will be accepted until Friday March 10th at noon.